Media information

Finland’s largest media for for heavy machinery and vehicles

Konepörssi has a strong readership and has been shown to be the most widely read media in the industry.

The distribution, which is precisely targets to the heavy machinery and freight transport sector, reaches the experts and decision-makers in the entire sector.

Professional, up-to-date content and an impressive number of interesting announcements provide valuable and reliable information to support the reader’s purchasing decisions.

The print magazine, combined with the industry’s broadest online content and social media channels, provide excellent opportunities for effective marketing.

Konepörssi´s expert editorial produces versatile content for many industry´s needs. Get to know our content production here.

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Konepörssi 2025 media info (pdf)

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Preliminary schedule for magazine 2025

Issue Deadline Publication
1 3.1. 15.1.
Property maintenance machines / Kuopion Konepäivät exhibition
2 31.1. 11.2.
Rental, Leasing & Financing / Seinäjoen Konepäivät exhibition
3 27.2. 10.3.
Timber transport and Bioenergy / Konekaupan Villi Länsi exhibition
4 24.3. 7.4.
Mansen Mörinät 2024 -exhibition issue
5 16.4. 30.4.
Telehandlers and Forklifts / Oulun Oikiat Konepäivät exhibition
6 12.5. 21.5.
Green-area maintenance machines / ProForest exhibition
7 5.6. 16.6.
Power Truck Show, Tawastia Truck Weekend, Okra and Lepaa exhibitions
8 7.8. 18.8.
Maxpo 2025 exhibition issue / Lubricants
9 4.9. 15.9.
Stadin Mörinät 2024 exhibition issue / Recycling industry
10 2.10. 13.10.
Winter maintenance
11 30.10. 10.11.
Trailers / Superstructures / Personnel lifting
12 27.11. 8.12.
Crushing, breaking and screening

Contact information

Janne Majara
+358 400 734 208

Minna Kujansivu
+358 400 914 160

Katri Väkiparta
+358 40 678 3713

Petteri Henriksson
+358 400 688 478

Jussi Lehtonen
Editor in chief

+358 400 630 607

Olli Päiviö
Managing editor
(construction machines)
+358 44 031 6784

Jussi Mikkola
Managing editor
(cargo transport)
+358 400 325 580

Esa Suominen

+358 400 590 344

Tapani Palo
Commercial producer
+358 50 517 8754